The teenage years are significant in your child’s development. He or she is dealing with issues of self-identity, independence vs. dependence, peer pressure, parental expectations, drug experimentation, college preparation, relationships, self-esteem, and self-discovery to name a few.
I began my practice as a therapist who specializes in helping teenagers make the transition into well-adjusted young adults a smooth, peaceful and positive process. With over 25 years of both professional and personal experience in this area, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of teenagers. This helps me connect with them in a non-confrontational, yet very open, honest and direct fashion.
In turn, I am able to earn their trust, gain accurate insights into their “mental health” and help them develop ways to improve the relationship with themselves and those closest to them. As a result, I have been successful in helping families maintain and build healthy “win-win” relationships that promote mutual-respect, love, honesty and laughter.